Protect yourself against flu before winter  
Winter is nearly upon us and with that comes a risk of catching the flu virus.
The flu isn’t just a common cold. It can be serious and make you very sick. In severe cases it can mean a stay in hospital.
That’s why it’s important to protect yourself by getting your flu vaccine as soon as you can. If you’re aged 65 or over, it’s FREE.
Getting immunised also helps to stop the spread of flu in your family and community.
How to get immunised
To get your free flu vaccine, talk to your family doctor or visit a local pharmacy. You can also:
• book online through Book My Vaccine. Book now to get vaccinated from 2 April
• visit to find a pharmacy or provider near you
• call Healthline in 0800 28 29 26 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).
To give yourself the best protection this winter, make sure you and your whānau are up to date with all your vaccinations, including the latest covid vaccine. You can have the latest covid vaccine at the same time as your flu vaccine if it has been six months since your last covid vaccination or positive test.
Look after yourself and your whānau.
Ngā mihi,
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora