Hou Garden app

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Name : Hou garden app
Users per month: 100,000
Sessions per month: 490,000
Page Views Monthly: Over 3 million page views & Screen views - 78% from mobile & Tablet.

HouGarden has been making inroads in the real estate industry for 11 years, and we are the largest property portal in New Zealand targeting the Chinese-speaking market.

Booking Contact Details:
For more in depth information, or to book media directly, please contact mediamanager@nichemedia.co.nz or phone 09 532 9780

Splash Screen 750 x 1624 pixels Splash Screen Any day of a week $1,315.79 $1,644.74
Large mobile banner 1 710 x 230 pixels Homepage Mon - Sun $1,052.63 $1,315.79
Large mobile banner 2 710 x 230 pixels Homepage Mon - Sun $789.47 $986.84
Large mobile banner 750 x 230 pixels Property detail page Mon - Sun $1,315.79 $1,644.74
rectangle banner 300 x 250 pixels Property detail page Mon - Sun $1,052.63 $1,315.79