Indian Newslink


Name : Indian Newslink
Year Established : 1999
Distribution : National (75% Akl)
Frequency : Published twice monthly on 1st and 15th
Sections : News, Education, Fiji News, Opinion, Business, Indian Wedding Planner, Feature, Health, Children, Community, Entertainment, Classifieds, Sports.

The Indian Newslink is recognised as a quality publication and prides itself on carrying its own investigative reports, issues of concern to society and to the nation. This publication carries reports, articles, interviews and other items that are exclusively written by or for the Newslink.

The Indian Newslink is reportedly the only Indian community newspaper that has it's own web edition, with client's advertisements showing online. This e-paper sees 9,000 hits per edition

Format: Tabloid
Language: English
Booking Deadline: 7 working days before
Material Deadline: 5 working days before
Material Types: Hi-Res PDF

E- version Published 1st and 15th of Month

Booking Contact Details:
For more in depth information, or to book media directly, please contact or phone 09 532 9780

Full Page Portrait 260mm x 365mm $1,255.26 $1,569.08
1/2 Page Landscape 260mm x 190mm, $728.95 $911.18
Portrait 128mm x 365mm $728.95 $911.18
1/4 Page Portrait 128mm x 190mm $389.47 $486.84
landscape 260mm x 90mm $389.47 $486.84
1/8 Page Landscape 128mm x 92mm $251.32 $314.14