Waikato Weekly

waikato weekly

Name : Waikato Weekly Chinese Newspaper
Year Established : 2005
Distribution : Hamilton (90%), Taupo, Rotorua, Wider Waikato (10%)
Frequency : Weekly (Thursday)
Sections : 6 Sections

The only Chinese Newspaper published in the Waikato. It has been servicing about 12,000 readers, and is the main source of news, study, work, lifestyle informatuion for Chinese speaking people in the Greater Waikato region. With 90% being distributed into Hamilton, the remaining 10% are distributed to Rotorua, Taupo, and other main Waikato towns.

Format: Tabloid
Language: Traditional Chinese

Booking Deadline; Friday prior to publication
Material Deadline: 5:00 pm Monday before publication
Material Type: Hi-res JPG or PDF in CMYK colour

Booking Contact Details:
For more in depth information, or to book media directly, please contact mediamanager@nichemedia.co.nz or phone 09 532 9780

Front Cover Page
Full Page Portrait 265mm x 280mm $1,263.16 $1,578.95
1/2 Page Landscape 265mm x 137.5mm $736.84 $921.05
1/4 Page Portrait 165mm x 66.25mm $526.32 $657.89
1/4 Page Landscape 132.5mm x 137mm $526.32 $657.89
Information Box Front Page Landscape 85mm x 40mm $126.32 $157.89
Back Cover Page
Full Page Portrait 265mm x 373.5mm $842.11 $1,052.63
1/2 Page Landscape 265mm x 184mm $631.58 $789.47
1/4 Page Portrait 130mm x 184mm $421.05 $526.32
1/4 Page Landscape 265mm x 90mm $421.05 $526.32
Inside Front Page / Page 3
Full Page Portrait 265mm x 373.5mm $736.84 $921.05
1/2 Page Landscape 265mm x 184mm $526.32 $657.89
1/4 Page Portrait 130mm x 184mm $368.42 $460.53
1/4 Page Landscape 265mm x 90mm $368.42 $460.53
1/8 Page Landscape 130mm x 90mm $210.53 $263.16
other Pages
Full Page Portrait 265mm x 373.5mm $631.58 $789.47
1/2 Page Landscape 265mm x 184mm $421.05 $526.32
1/4 Page Portrait 130mm x 184mm $263.16 $328.95
1/4 Page Landscape 265mm x 90mm $263.16 $328.95
1/8 Page Landscape 130mm x 90mm $157.89 $197.37